Friday, March 13, 2009

Crossfit New England Throwdown!

On Saturday, the sixth of March, my friend Lee Jacobs and I ventured out to Natick Massachusetts for what would be one of the greatest Saturdays either of us would have: one which would leave both of us temporarily incapacitated, on the verge of death, and perhaps most importantly, aware of our place in the world of Crossfit. For the uninformed, Crossfit is (a la Wikipedia) “a strength and conditioning fitness methodology. Its stated goal is to create "the quintessential athlete, equal parts gymnast, Olympic weightlifter and sprinter.” It is also my latest physical fitness challenge: because lifting weights and occasional cardio just wasn’t leaving me as dog-tired or making my life flash before my eyes as often as I would like it to. I was in search of something relatively new. After all, it’s common knowledge that “switching it up” every once in a while is good for the body.

My friend Raj Patel used this opportunity to lure me into the world of Crossfit. (Oh, did I say lure? That may be a bit misleading. I meant DECEIVE! I was CONNED, HOODWINKED I TELL YOU! IT WAS ALL ONE BIG TRAP!). After a couple of weeks of trying the scheduled WODs (workout of the day), I gradually came to hate it less each day and stuck with it (Hence the Deceit from Raj. He knows that as long as its physical activity I’ll do it, even if it kills me every time I do. He also calls me just to “check up on me” and see if I’m “still doing crossfit”. It’s like he’s guilt tripping me into it, though I’m not sure if he’s doing this consciously or not.) Point of the matter is that I eventually got to meet Mr. Lee Jacobs, who is also an avid fan of crossfit and after a couple of workouts together, we get to bond as fellow crossfit lovers/haters.

One day, Mr. Jacobs tells me (via facebook) about an upcoming Crossfit New England Throwdown, and asks if I’d be interested in going. It would last from 12 noon to 6 pm and be composed of three WODs. Considering my love for athletes and physical activity, I was going to go no matter what. The key question was whether I’d compete or not. I’d only been on the crossfit program for a few weeks, and was mixing in my old lifting routine every now and then. I wasn’t really sure if I could take on three WODs in one day (Considering my first WOD experience lasted only eight minutes and left me laying on the gym floor for at least half an hour while people walked by and looked at me as if I they hadn’t seen a dead tired negro on the floor before). I decided to suck it up and compete. After all, the worst that could happen is that I’d get my ass handed to me by a chick. I went to bed on Friday night fully unaware that the worst would happen quite a few times.

As morning broke on the fateful Saturday, I proceeded to make myself a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, with a protein shake on the side. I didn’t want to eat too much, as I wanted to be as light as possible for the trials ahead. In retrospect, I should have had a bigger meal: A MUCH bigger meal. After the meal, I proceeded to assess my arsenal: Protein powder, check. Fruits and nuts, check. Change of clothes, check. Gatorade, check. Armed with the necessary nutritional sustenance that would facilitate my survival for the day (or so I thought), I ventured out of my dormitory in high spirits, ready to take on the world; the world of Crossfit.

Lee was kind enough to rent a zipcar and drive up to my residence, so soon after stepping out of the student village I was on my way to Natick Massachusetts. Excluding the stop for gas and getting lost after being misled by multiple streets named “Oak Street”, the journey was a relatively short one. But it was going to be a long day for me and Lee. We arrived at Crossfit New England with time to spare and proceeded to register for the days events. The turnout is great, with about eighty athletes showing up (more people to totally own me). There were three WODs (workouts of the day, if you forgot) we were to partake in, and individuals could take part in groups with varying levels of intensity. The first group was the pups, with the easiest workouts, followed by the pack and then the “Big dawgs”, who had the highest intensity level. Lee and I signed into the big dawg class. “Bad move buddy”, a voice in my head goes. I ignore said voice (Bad move number two).

Before Each WOD, each crossfitter partners themselves up with a coach. I partner myself with a lovely lady named Cynthia, or Cindy as she is more affectionately called. Why does this name have a malicious ring to it? Oh that’s right, because one of the crossfit workouts is named Cindy. 22 rounds I believe… (Crossfit reference, don’t worry if you don’t get it). Cindy is from crossfit cynergy, and her group is made up of great people through and through, including her hubbie Keith. The pack and pups get started, and before I know what’s happening, Cindy’s all up and done with her WOD, and Lee and I are up for our turn with the big dawgs.

all smiles because we are yet to know the true meaning of pain!

The first WOD is a 400m run down and uphill followed by 20 burpees for 4 rounds. A burpee is pretty much dropping to a pushup position then getting up then hopping slightly. Sounds easy, but do that 20 times after a 400 meter run. Four times. That’ll learn ya. I’m doing this WOD with lee, and several other “Big Dawg” crossfitters, including about four females. I don’t even lie to myself by saying “maybe I’ll keep up with the girls”. I know I’m getting owned here. The question is “how many meters behind am I going to be?”

By the fourth round, I’m dying, and my legs refuse to obey my commands. My burpees look like I’m a kid learning how to walk. Time runs out just as I finish the last run. That’s fine, because I would have literally keeled over if I had to do any more burpees. Lee doesn’t finish either, though he’s a bit ahead of me. I guess the fifteen minute time cap on each WOD leaves you a bit frustrated, but prevents you from completely draining yourself. That way you have a bit more time to get ready for the next WOD. I finish my run with a grin and tell my coach that it was fun. He tells me I’m crazy. I don’t blame him. Not many people in their right minds would find that workout enjoyable.

The second WOD is 21 deadlifts and 7 thrusters for five rounds. Not good. My back is still recovering from a chronic pain disorder (which I most likely brought upon myself by having poor deadlifting form). Not to mention that deadlifting is the bane of existence for taller people. But hell, I did the WOD anyway. After just two pulls, my coach already notices that I’m quad dominant and don’t pull from my hips as I’m meant to. He advises me not to rush the WOD but to get my form right so I don’t hurt myself. I comply. By round four, yet again, I feel like I’m going to die. But it’s not the cardio that’s killing me. It’s my back. Even though I try to keep the right form, it’s not easy, seeing as I’ve been doing it a certain way for quite some time. Even the thrusters, which are usually easy for me, become aquite the excruciating experience. I also drop the bar right against my right shin. Just a graze; slightly annoying, but it is heavily outweighed by the fact that we dont get to drop barbells in the school gym (just buy bumper plates dammit! why is BU so cheap?)

(there’s lee dying. Haha)

I manage to finish four rounds when time is called. Crossfit cynergy members cheered me on, and that was a very refreshing experience. the atmosphere in the place is amazing: competitive yet friendly. perfect conditions for an athlete to thrive. not that I was particularly thriving at that moment. But thats besides the point. One more WOD and it’s all over. (Note to self: thrusters are evil. Never do them… ever)

The last WOD is a Push press/jerk for seven reps followed by twenty pull-ups for five rounds. Lee and I swear we’ll finish this one even if it kills us. Lee goes first and finishes in about eleven and a half. I step up after he’s done and have a go at it. The weight is just 135 lbs. I usually throw this up as a warm-up, but at this point in the day, it feels as heavy as anything I’ve ever held. It’s a painful five rounds but I too, finish at about the same time as Lee. As I stumble away from the blood drenched pull-up bars, someone shoves a beer into my hand. I thank him kindly and proceed to (nearly) pass out on a nearby spot on the floor. To my surprise, Lee and I actually finish ahead of some people in this WOD. I guess we retained some of our dignity. The next group of big dawgs steps up and FLIES through the WOD like there’s no tomorrow, with most guys finishing in about seven minutes. Ridiculous!

(Death by pullups)
(more death by pullups)

With the WODs all done, the crossfitters proceeded to have a little shindig right there in the gym. Lee and I stayed for a while to indulge in some healthy turkey wraps provided by the various crossfit teams before packing up and heading back to BU. I felt sorry for Lee, who had to drive. I could feel the pain his legs were in. We got back home, grilled some stake at Lees place, and then I went straight to bed, knowing that I wouldn’t be working out for at least the next four days. That pretty much concludes my day of workout hell which may or may not be one of the best Saturdays I have ever had. Save for the blood and sweat and tears (literally) it was an amazing day I wouldn’t mind reliving sometime soon.

(“Yup, there’s the insane “I’m DONE!” face)
(beer and protein. Best combo ever)
(Crossfit. Unfuckwithable)
(That’s sue, Cindy’s kid. 12 yrs old. Amazing!)
(yeah Holly!!)
(Go Rich!!!)
(me and sue size up battle scars)
(just one of several pull-up casualties)
(Theres Cynthia ripping it up)


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Японские ученые из исследовательской лаборатории Тойота и корпорации Денсо разработали технологию, позволяющую создавать микросхемы, способные нормально работать при 650 градусах Цельсия. Напомним, что для обычных схем уже 70 градусов является большой проблемой.

Секрет - в материале схемы. Это не кремний, как обычно, а карбид кремния (SiC). Это вещество по своим свойствам прекрасно подходит для создания чипов. И об этом знали еще 50 лет назад. Проблема была в том, что никак не удавалось получить большие бездефектные кристаллы карбида кремния, из которых можно было бы создавать пластины - заготовки для микросхем.

Новый способ предполагает выращивание кристаллов в несколько стадий. При этом в каждой из них кристалл поворачивают так, чтобы вновь нарастающие слои молекул осаждались на наилучшей, наименее дефектной стороне кристалла. Исследователи назвали технологию "Поворотный рост А-стороны" (Repeated A-Face growth).

Охлаждение процессора - нормальная температура процесcjhf

Опыты показали, что схемы из карбида кремния могут работать при 650 градусах Цельсия и в условиях сильной радиации, что окажется полезным при создании военной и космической техники нового поколения, и, может быть, новых мощных PC, не нуждающихся в вентиляторах для процессора. Об этом сообщает MEMBRANA.Ru.

Охлаждение процессора - нормальная температура процессора - Карбид кремния избавит процессор от вентилятора
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