Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I often feel a lot of desicions I've made have been the wrong ones
That the most important things are not given enough attention
Or are not gone about the right way
Or I just plain mess them up.
It really eats at me
A single percieved fault can have me brooding for weeks
As you may have guessed, I just made another blunder
Well, not a blunder per se,
but I could have done so much better
My point though, is not to gripe for the sake of it
it is to make a resolution
For in the upcoming years ahead
I will not let my mistakes define me
I will offset the faults that belie me
I will not let failures bog me down
Though I may stumble, I will rise as many times as it takes
Because I have made a resolution:
My life WILL be fabulous.

1 comment:

Adiya said...

I love this. And that's saying something cause i generally don't love peoms. But it makes totall sense- you commit some blunder, and probably blow it out of proportion, and you feel horrible and disgusted with yourself. But the important things is to learn, cause there are many many more blunders coming your way. But that's alright, as long as it's not an old one.

So, keep up with the random musings lol