Monday, June 21, 2010

Top 3 world cup teams/players I’d rather not be right now

In the spirit of the world cup, and how odd this particular tournament has turned out to be, what with certain teams taking shock defeats, and others grasping victories previously thought unattainable, I thought I'd just state a top 3 list of teams/people I'd rather not be right now. Here goes...

3. Rob Green/England: For the country that “invented the game”, these guys have put on a spectacularly poor showing, drawing all their matches so far. People expected them to practically walk over their competition, but they have been less than stellar in both attack and defence. And let’s not forget a certain keeper error that gifted the USA a way to claw one back. (Though the USA was surprisingly resilient during that match, and is currently performing better than expected). Hopefully, they put on a better showing soon, or my jaunt to England may have some very unhappy faces greeting me at immigration.

2. Sani Kaita/Nigeria: This one really hit home, seeing as I am a Nigerian national. Heck, you’d think this guy would be my number one pick for Epic fail/facepalm/FML moment, what with the 1000+ death threats he has already received. And if you haven’t taken a look at his facebook page, please do. Ive seen insults in my day but these blow everything out of the water. Sani Kaita, sucks to be you. And goodluck/godspeed to you when you next decide to enter the nation. ‘Cause You’ll need it.

1. It was a toughie choosing which to pip for the top spot, but I decided to settle for North Korea. Losing 7 to nothing in a world cup game is terrible enough, but when you think of who leads their country... let’s just say Kim jong il will not be pleased. Frankly, I don’t think he’ll care, what with his current beef with S.Korea, and the whole U.N palaver, but you never know. He may be pissed that the other Korea is doing better than his part and decide to go “team America” on his players. Lets just wish them the best, and that they can live this defeat down. I personally think that after 7 goals, I’d just crawl up in a corner and die.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

oops, i did it again

I have this bad habit of writing stuff and never publishing it. I guess its because I think they're no good, or that its all random, irrelevant nonsense. Then again, thats all I write, so I guess theres no reason to hold back. Expect more random nonsense coming your way soon.