Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I often feel a lot of desicions I've made have been the wrong ones
That the most important things are not given enough attention
Or are not gone about the right way
Or I just plain mess them up.
It really eats at me
A single percieved fault can have me brooding for weeks
As you may have guessed, I just made another blunder
Well, not a blunder per se,
but I could have done so much better
My point though, is not to gripe for the sake of it
it is to make a resolution
For in the upcoming years ahead
I will not let my mistakes define me
I will offset the faults that belie me
I will not let failures bog me down
Though I may stumble, I will rise as many times as it takes
Because I have made a resolution:
My life WILL be fabulous.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Dishes

I was staying at a mate's flat in Boston, and, while it was amazing, there was only one small blemish; the dishes. left undone for a couple of days, the ever growing pile had just, well, kept on growing. So I took it upon myself to do the dishes, seeing as my hosts were gracious enough to provide me with a residence (and a gym) for a couple of days.

As I stared at the pile of plates, saucers, pots and pans, I was stumped. I moved plates over spatulas, forks over frying pans, looking for where to begin. And I realized that Nigeria was kinda like the scenario that lay in front of me; a humongous cesspit of all sorts of stagnant fluids and quasi-solids that any man would think twice about before plunging his arms into it.

The Nigerian situation did not come about it one fell swoop. Like the contents of the sink before me, Nigeria allowed its problems to pile up, one after another. and no one was ready to do the dishes. Now the nation faces a mountain of fermenting stew, eba, amala and whatnot. And its a vicious cycle, because the higher the dishes pile up, the less willing people are to wash up. but if no one takes the plunge, the plates will pile up until they spill into the parlor and even deeper into our everyday lives.

But as with the pile before me, I am unsure as to where to begin with the country. I guess the best way is to start small, an build my way up from there. So, as I pick up a small, grease laden fork and start to scrub it, I feel a small sense of accomplishment, At least I've started the process. the changes will be nigh unnoticable at first, but hopefully, one day, the difference will be clear (like 7-up. lol).

- P.U II

Monday, July 19, 2010

Inception: Review

Great Movies are few and far between these days. Advanced technology has served to make them more engaging and "Hi-def", but it hard to find a piece that perfectly blends an engaging, dynamic plot with mind blowing Cinematography and choreography. Now I was one of those who wasnt thrown by Avatar. Sure, great movie, wonderful effects, but it didnt grip me as much as many people made it seem it would. It was like being in a playful chokehold; Avatar had my full attention, but it was easy enough for my mind to break away and wander.

Inception, on the other hand, was intense. It was like being gripped by the balls. No, It was like being possessed by the spirit. Heck, It was like having the spirit grab you by the balls while putting you in a figure four leg-lock: It will have your undivided attention, and while you feel that the situation is a tad awkward, you kinda have a warm, fuzzy feeling in your netherregions.

Obvious tributes are made to other masterpieces like The Matrix and Dark City, but these do not dilute in any way the quality of the experience. In fact, they only serve to supplement the already stout cauldron of oozey cinematic goodness that is the main plot; dream diving.

Now I'm not a critic, and am not here to analyze the movie to its bare bones. I'm also not one to criticize a flick just for the sake of doing so, or to see "both sides of the coin". I am an average man, and anything above average usually tends to satisfy me. This movie was, to me, very far above average, so if youre looking for an engaging, thrilling piece, this movie is for you. I have never seen a movie in a cinema twice. this movie may just change that.

- Pat