Saturday, December 11, 2010

"The Fathers have eaten sour grapes...

... and the children's teeth are set on edge." Such are the affairs of the Madoff family today as Mark Madoff, the 46 year old son of Bernie Madoff, was found hanged in his New York apartment - an apparent suicide. The decision of Madoff's son to take his own life is proof that, no matter how much money you make, there is no substitute for integrity.

Mark Madoff worked for his father in the financial company that defrauded investors of millions of Dollars, but he (assumably) and other family members have claimed ignorance, stating that they were unaware of Bernie's dubious dealings. While I find this hard to believe, considering that, as major stakeholders in the company, they must have perused several annual statements, and must have been privy to information regarding major investments, my misgivings are irrelevant in this context - Even if not directly culpable in his father's wrong doings, Mark's suicide is the embodiment of shame; despair brought upon him by the disgrace Bernie Madoff brought to the family and to its legacy.

I know that as sons and daughters, we may not always be privy to the affairs of our parentage, but we must take this message to heart- Human dignity is inviolable, and moreso is the dignity and pride of an entire family. The virture, respect, and self respect of a collective must not be squandered by the actions of just one man. The stigma carried from just one incident can scar several generations, and cases of families changing their names are not unheard of.

At the end of the day, we are only accountable to ourselves. We cannot know the intentions of anyone else, not even our closest blood relative. It is thus up to us to be true to ourselves, and to others. We each hold our legacies in our hands, but in tow with ours are those of our families, and those who associate with us. Do not dishonour yourself. Do not compromise your dignity, for in doing so, you rend asunder not only the integrity of your generation, but possibly that of many generations to come.

Till next time, I remain,

Pat II


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